
On our way home

Our journey is over. We’ve been on the road for more than six weeks. We’ve visited 26 states, slept in 33 different beds, driven four different cars, written 30 blog posts (from the road, including this one), taken more than 15.000 pictures(!) - and today we get on the plane back home to Norway (on the 17th of May, the Norwegian Independence Day - what a great day to spend on a plane!).

It’s been a fantastic adventure! We’ve seen cities and countrysides, forests and deserts, mountains and beaches, famous landmarks and unknown beauty, pieces of the stereotypical, tourist trap USA as well as places few Norwegians (heck, even Americans) have visited before, we’ve seen a bunch of hotel rooms that looked exactly the same (and a few that didn’t look like any room we’ve seen before), we’ve seen the luxury of Beverly Hills and the tragedy of the ghettos. We’ve seen the sun almost every day (we can’t complain about three and a half days of rain in six weeks!), we’ve seen some beautiful sunsets, we’ve seen how the forest fires can smog up the blue skies miles and miles away, we’ve been on the edge of a pre-season hurricane without even noticing, we’ve seen terrible weather forecasts for every other part of the USA but the one we’ve been in at the time. We have experienced more than we’ll ever be able to sum up in this blog.

We’ve enjoyed the ride, but now we both look forward to getting home. Selma can’t wait to get back to her girlfriend, and Louis can’t wait to get away from the “Oooh, I miss Cathrine” talk. And it will be good for the both of us to get back home to our friends and families, jobs and regular lives.

We did, of course, travel further than to Memphis. But we’ve been lagging behind on the blogging, and in addition to having a hectic schedule, it’s been hard to find the extra energy to sit down and recapture events taking place a week ago.

But - we know that a lot of people are reading this blog - some people we know well, some we’ve met along the road - and some that we haven’t met (yet?!). And we actually get quite a few hits from people searching for travel information about the places we’ve visited. (And you’re all welcome to write a short little “I’m reading!” to the comments below, so we can see just who’s behind those numbers in the statistics..)

And this blog will be a great way for us to remember what we did, saw and experienced on our trip (and believe me - the memories fade fast when you keep adding to the vault every day!). So - Selma will post reports and upload pictures from the last remaining days (New Orleans, the Florida panhandle, Key West and New York - and some stops along the way) as we get home (but be patient - there’s some snuggling to catch up on first!). And Louis has promised to translate it all into Norwegian.

So - we’ll be back with more. Eventually.

There are 10 responses to “On our way home”

Runa wrote:

yay, jeg leser :)
kjæresten og jeg har lenge pratet om å kjøre gjennom i USA, så det har vært utrolig morsomt å kunne lese bloggen deres :)

Forresten - kunne dere fikse et kart over USA og en fin, rød linje som viser hvilken rute dere reiste? :)

May 17th, 2007 at 20:32 (permalink)
Arve wrote:

Jeg er en bekjent av Tom, som Hilde jobber sammen med. Ble henvist til denne siden av han for en stund tilbake, da jeg og tre kamerater forlater Norge i slutten av Juni, for å reise tvers over USA, og dette var mye samme greie.

Bloggen deres har vært fin inspirasjon, og har gitt meg mange idéer om hva som er å se der borte.

May 18th, 2007 at 08:44 (permalink)
Empa wrote:

Well… I really hope we, who never met you guys, will be able to read about the rest of the trip. I have some, not so advanced, plans about taking a roadtrip next year… and your blog has been a great source for inspiration!

May 18th, 2007 at 10:12 (permalink)
oter wrote:

As requested: I’m reading!

May 18th, 2007 at 12:11 (permalink)
CORDAN wrote:

Well, I for one am sad it’s over. I knew this day was coming.. I can’t tell you how much we have enjoyed reading and seeing your trip across the USA. Please finish the journey for us.

I have told everyone who will listen about your trip, your car, your Kitty and of course about Brad! I hope he had a great time (and you too).

Take care, I wish I could have met you in Seattle and we could have had a Starbucks coffee.

Perhaps next time.


May 21st, 2007 at 06:40 (permalink)
Mia wrote:

Veldig bra blogg! Gøy for oss som ikke har noe liv kan ta del i reisen :)
Kunne egentlig tenkt meg en sånn tur selv med kjæresten min, bare i Italia, på en kulinarisk reise, bare pasta og rødvin en hel måned, juhu!
Så med andre ord, inspirerende :)
(men hvordan i all verden klare seg uten kjæresten så lenge? uff)

May 22nd, 2007 at 13:35 (permalink)
Asa wrote:

Intressant blog, men se gerne till og faa resten med!

June 2nd, 2007 at 10:34 (permalink)
Selma wrote:

Yup, we’ll finish up our documentation of the trip - eventually. It’s just that it was soooo great to be back home again, and there’s a bit of catching up to do - so you just have to be patient with us =)

June 2nd, 2007 at 16:10 (permalink)
Irene wrote:

Jeg leser - og har blitt inspirert!

June 29th, 2007 at 13:00 (permalink)
Jennie wrote:

Hey! I’m looking for inspiration for my trip around the world, including a month in US, and came to your blog from I will fix my own blogg, soon…
/Jennie i Sverige

July 1st, 2007 at 20:12 (permalink)

Got tips? Comments? Do tell!